Ne soyez pas trop dure Il a un grand nez? Sa chemise vous déplaît? Ne tirez pas un trait sur ce garçon avec qui vous avez passé un bon moment pour des détails superficiels. Donnez-lui une chance, qui sait?
Be not too hardIt has a large nose? His shirt you don't like? Do not pull a stroke on this boy with whom you have had a good time for superficial details. Give him a chance, who knows?
Do not be too hard He has a big nose? His shirt you dislike? Do not draw a line under that boy with whom you have had a good time for superficial details. Give it a chance, who knows?
Don't be too hard he has a big nose? His shirt you dislike? Do not pull a stroke on this boy with who you have spent a good time for surface detail. Give him a chance, who knows?