halloween and halloween party (national use) is a native of celtic countries celebrated on the evening of 31 october, on the eve of all saints' day. his name is a contraction of the allhallow - which means "the eve of all saints' day in english and can be translated as" contemporary "the wake of the saints". despite its name, christian and englishthe vast majority of sources of halloween as a legacy of the pagan festival of samhain, which was celebrated in early fall by the celts, and was a kind of a new year's party. halloween is known up to the present day, under the name of oíche shamhna in gaelic. it is a popular holiday in ireland.scotland and wales, where there are lots of historical evidence of his existence. jack - o '- lantern, the lantern symbol of halloween, comes from a legend. it is from the 8th century, under pope gregory iii (731 / 741), and in the next century, under pope gregory iv (1827 - 844).that the catholic church was the saints on november 1, operating a combination with the holiday of samhain, halloween was brought to the united states and canada, after the mass arrival of irish and scottish emigrants, especially in light of the great irish famine (1845 - 1851).it is gaining in popularity in the 1920s, and it was on the new continent is the jack-o '- lanterns lanterns made from pumpkins, of local origin, in lieu of the swedes used in europe today. halloween is celebrated mainly in ireland, great britain, the united states in canada, australia, new zealand, andto a lesser extent, in france. the most famous modern tradition that children dress up in scary costumes costumes ghosts, witches, monsters, vampires and ringing doorbells for working with: trick or treat! "trick or treat! the party may also be affected by fires.fireworks, children's games, reading stories and poems of terror halloween horror films, but also the masses of all saints in advance of a purely religious component
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