Bonjour à tous,Voici les NC validées lors de la reprise.- Faisceau châ การแปล - Bonjour à tous,Voici les NC validées lors de la reprise.- Faisceau châ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Bonjour à tous,Voici les NC validée

Bonjour à tous,

Voici les NC validées lors de la reprise.

- Faisceau châssis : 156P337170 plan indice B :

1/ L’orientation des têtes d’electros YV10B / YV11B / YV4 / YV21 / YV22 sont NC au plan
NC validée :orientation non conforme au plan

2 / Sur la prise 24 voies en position 11 la pin est n’est pas clipsée correctement (important car panne sur machine si montage sans rectification). Vérification à faire sur tous les faisceaux par le fournisseur
NC validée :pinoche n’est pas clipsée correctement voir photo (1)

3/ YV7 gaine non clipsée correctement
 NC validée : Identifié lors du contrôle

4/ Les entraxes de 50mm demandés entre les têtes d’electros YV6 / YV7 / YV8 n’est pas respecté on à 65mm. Cela pose un problème car connexion sur PVG on pli les gaines et celles-ci peuvent se déclipser des té de liaison (pb rencontré sur machine TS)
 NC validée : L’entraxe entre les têtes est non conforme > à 55mm (en moyenne 60mm) photo (2)

- Faisceau accessoire : 156P337160 plan indice B :

1/ Le relais KA12 n’est pas identifié comme cela est demandé au plan
 NC validée : Identifié lors du contrôle
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Hello everyone, here are the n

validated during the recovery

- beam frame:. 156p337170 plane index b

1 / orientation heads electros yv10b / yv11b / yv4 / yv21 / n are the yv22 map
n  validated: improper orientation map
2/24 channels on hold in position the pin 11 is not clipped correctly (important because failure on machine if no correct installation).to check on all the beams
n  provider validated: fid is not clipped correctly see photo (1)
3 / sheath yv7 not clipped correctly
n  validated: identified during the inspection
4 / the 50mm distances required between the heads of electros yv6 / yv7 / yv8 is not respected on to 65mm.this poses a problem as connection pvg sheaths and they fold it can unclip the tee connection (bp met on Machine ts)
n  validated: the distance between the heads is not in accordance with> 55mm (average 60mm) photo (2)

- beam accessory: 156p337160 plane index b

1 / ka12 the relay is not identified as required in terms
n  validated:identified during the inspection
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hello all,

here NC committed during the recovery.

-beam chassis: plan 156P337170 index B:

1 / orientation of the electros YV10B heads / YV11B / YV4 / YV21 / YV22 NC are plan
validated NC: non-compliant plan orientation

2 / on the outlet channel 24 in position 11 pin is not clipped correctly (important because failure on machine if mounting without correction). Verification on all beams by the provider
validated NC: pinoche is not clipped correctly see photo (1)

3 / YV7 sheath not clipped correctly
 validated NC: identified during control

4 / 50 mm distances required between the heads of electros YV6 / YV7 / YV8 is not respected on 65 mm. This poses a problem car connection on PVG on fold sheaths and they can is unclip of linking te (pb met on machine TS)
 validated NC: the distance between heads is non-compliant > 55 mm (on average 60mm) photo (2)

-accessory bundle: plan 156P337160 index B:

1 / KA12 relay is not identified as called for in the plan
 validated NC : Identified during control
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hello to all,

Here Are the NC validated during the resumed.

- Chassis Harness: 156P337170 index plan B:

1/ orientation of heads of sufficient YV10B / YV11B / YV4 / YV21 / YV22 are the CN plan
NC validated:orientation not in conformity with the plan

2 / on the socket 24 tracks in position 11 the pin is is not clipped correctly (important because fault on machine if mounting without rectification).Verification to make on all the wiring harnesses by the supplier
NC validated:pin is not clipped correctly see photo (1)

3/ YV7 sheath not clipped correctly
 NC validated : Identifies when checking

4/ The pitch of 50mm requests between the heads of sufficient YV6 / YV7 / YV8 is not respected it to 65mm.This poses a problem because connection on PVG we fold the ducts and these can get unclip of te link (prob encountered on machine TS)
 NC validated: The center-to-center distance between the heads is not correct > to 55mm (on average 60mm) photo (2)

- Harness Accessory: 156P337160 index plan B:

1/ relay KA12 is not identified as this is asked to plan
 NC validated:Identifies when checking
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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