Je vous contacte car nous venons de monter les premières pièces livrée การแปล - Je vous contacte car nous venons de monter les premières pièces livrée อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Je vous contacte car nous venons de

Je vous contacte car nous venons de monter les premières pièces livrées en référence ES031108.
Les torons, bien que vrillés, arrivent à être montés, par contre nous avons un gros problème de longueur de câbles (pièces impactées: 50 pièces).

Effectivement, comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photos jointes, les arcs de câbles sont bien trop importants une fois montés et après assemblage ils rentreront en contact avec le capot arrière. Ce genre de problème est particulièrement vérifié et suivi par le client et passent donc directement en non conformité.

Merci de revenir vers moi au plus vite car nous avons un arrêt de production suite à cette non conformité. Il me faudrait rapidement de nouveaux torons certifiés conformes afin d'éteindre le feu et approvisionner les clients dans les temps.

Merci pour votre réactivité
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

I am contacting you because we just get the first pieces delivered in reference es031108
strands, although twisted, come to be assembled by cons we have a big problem with cable length (impacted parts: 50 pcs.).

actually, as you can see from the attached photos,arcs cables are too high when mounted after assembly and they will come into contact with the rear cover. this problem is particularly checked and monitored by the client and then go straight to non-compliance.

thank you back to me as soon as we have a downtime due to this non-compliance.I should quickly new strands certified according to extinguish the fire and supply customers in time.

thank you for your response
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

I contact you because we just mount the first parts delivered with reference ES031108.
strand, although that twisted, arrive to be fitted, we have a big problem with length of cables (impacted parts: 50 parts).

actually, as you can see from the attached photos, the arcs of cables are much too important once mounted and after Assembly they come into contact with the rear cover. This kind of problem is particularly checked and followed by the customer and therefore directly pass in non-compliance.

thanks get back to me as soon as we have a halt in production due to the non compliance. It would take me quickly new compliant certified strands in order to extinguish the fire and supply customers in time.

thanks for your reactivity
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

I am contacting you because we just fit the first parts delivered in reference ES031108.
The strands, although kinked, arrive to be mounted, by contrast we have a big problem of the length of cables (parts impacted: 50 parts) .

Actually, as you can see in the attached photos,The arcs of cables are too important once mounted and after assembly they return in contact with the rear cover. This kind of problem is particularly checks and monitoring by the client and therefore spend directly in non-compliance.

Thank you to come back to me as soon as possible because we have a stop of production suite to this non-compliance.It would take me quickly new strands certified in order to extinguish the fire and supply clients in the time.

Thank You for your responsiveness
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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