Tu es grand-mère depuis le 6 mars à 2:42 du matin (donc 8:42 en Thaila การแปล - Tu es grand-mère depuis le 6 mars à 2:42 du matin (donc 8:42 en Thaila อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Tu es grand-mère depuis le 6 mars à

Tu es grand-mère depuis le 6 mars à 2:42 du matin (donc 8:42 en Thailande) son prénom thai c'est Gawinphop, je voulais absolument te le dire en vrai ou au moins au téléphone mais j'ai pas su te contacter..
Je t'aime, passe une bonne soirée et bon anniversaire à Virginie
Monday 3:26am

T'es sérieux?

Fabian vient de me dire je suis super heureuse mais j'aurais aimé le savoir bien avant et je suis triste parce que je ne connaitrais jamais ton bébé c'est une fille ou un garcon au fait?
Désolé que tu l'apprennes seulement maintenant
C'est un garçon
Et on viendra en Belgique hein ! Ou vous venez en vacances

C'est pas grave ca me fait tellement plaisir j'en ai eu les larmes aux yeux
Il est beau hein ? ^^

Oui magnifique
Ca me fait juste chier de pas y être en ce moment quoi..

Elle a accouché par césarienne et elle soufre pas mal c'est compliqué pour elle et demain elle sort déjà de l'hopital

Ben oui je me doute bien
elle a ses grands-parents pour l'aider mais ils sont assez vieux donc bon
C'est le truc chiant.. j'sais pas encore quand j'vais y être

Ben oui t'as pas choisi la simplicité
Ouais c'est vrai.. :x Mais bon j'vais essayer de trouver des sous vu que là j'ai aucunes allocations..

Trouves un boulot au plus vite et economise
Bah j'essaye.. J'envoie des CV et tout mais y a rien

Oui je sais c'est pas simple a l'heure actuelle
Et Virginie elle en pense quoi de mon fils ?

Elle a dit qu'il est beau

Je vais devoir te laisser je me lève tôt demain pour travailler je t'aime fort bisous a toi ta chérie et ton fils MON petit fils je vous aime bonne nuit mon chéri
Merci Bonne nuit à toi aussi maman, je t'aime

Wednesday 9:10pm

kikou mon cheri comment va ton fils ? gros bisous

son retour a la maison c bien passé ?

Et jajah ??elle va mieux ?
19 hours ago
coucou maman
Jajah va mieux, mais elle est super fatiguée, pas facille de s'occuper de lui toute seule
Elle a une amie qui est venue l'aider mais elle se réveille toute la nuit donc c'est dur ^^

oui c'est sur c'est pas facile
je t'enverrai des photos

sinon il va bien ?

Oui il va bien
Il pleure, il dort.. x)
Il sourit beaucoup.. J'suis amoureux


tu m'etonnes c'est tellement beau

et toi ca va
Oui oui ça va ^^ j'déteste le fait de pas pouvoir être avec elle et l'aider.. Que j'puisse pas le voir tout le temps car elle est fatiguée
mais c'est normal.. Faut faire avec
quand je t'ai dit la nouvelle, je t'ai envoyé des vidéos aussi, tu as su les voir ?

oui je me doute qst pas facile pour vous deux mais j'espere pour vous que se sera vite régléue c'e

oui je les ai vu sur le pc car sur le telephoe je ne voyais que les photos
J'espère aussi ^^
et Dan tu lui as dis ? Il a réagit comment ?

il a été aussi surpris que nous lol et il m'apelle mémé grrrrr moi c'est mamie pas mémé mdr

il est trop beau
Je saiiiis haha

J'arrive pas à t'envoyer les vidéos

grrrrrr dommage
Je peux poster sur ton mur si tu veux ^^

ça charge

et sinon vous ça va ?
je peux passer bientôt ?

oui tres bien

oui quand tu veux
ce vendredi peut-être ?

dimanche on est invités chez des amis donc vendredi et samedi ou tu viens le week end d'apres ?
Comme tu veux ^^

ou meme la semaine si tu veux
Oui hein comme d'hab, week-end de 7 jours

ok alors viens lundi jusque dimanche

ok super
(sinon la vidéo est toujours en train de charger, c'est super lent)

pfff si ca va pas tant pis tu me les montrera qd tu viens
Oui c'est ma connexion qui est merdique

lol ok alors je patienterais lol
Bah normalement tu l'auras sur ton mur avant que je vienne hein mais bon c'est lent quoi


ok pas de soucis


génial merciiiiii
De rien
Chat Conversation End
Seen 3:30am
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Are you grandmother since March 6 at 2:42 in the morning (so 8:42 in Thailand) his thai name is Gawinphop, I absolutely wanted to tell it to you in real or at least on the phone but I have not been able to contact you...I love you, passes a good evening and happy birthday to Virginia9758.t.MP49618.t.MP4Monday 3:26 amYou're serious?YesFabian just tell me I'm super happy but I would have liked to know well before and I'm sad because I don't know never your baby is a girl or a boy to the fact?Sorry that you only teach it now It's a boyAnd it will come in Belgium eh! Or you come on holiday Is not serious it makes me so pleased I had tears in my eyesIt is beautiful huh? ^^Beautiful YesCA just makes me pissed off not to be at this time what...She gave birth by caesarean section and she sulphur not bad it is complicated for her and tomorrow already released from hospitalYeah I suspect wellShe has her grandparents to help him but they are old enough so good That's the annoying thing.. I know not yet when I'll be thereYeah you did not choose the simplicityYeah that's right.. : x but good I'll try to find some money because here I have no allowances...Found a job more quickly and savesBah I try... I send resumes and everything but nothingYes I know it is not easy at the momentAnd Virginia she thinks what's my son? She said it is beautifulOK I'll have to leave you I get up early tomorrow for work I love you strong kisses has you your sweetheart and your son my little son I love you good night my darlingThank you good night to you as mum, I love you Wednesday 9:10 pmKaranja Darling how's your son? big kissesreturning to the House well past c?And jajah?It gets better?19 hours agoHi MOM JAJAH gets better, but it is super tired, not successful to deal him all aloneShe has a friend who came to help him but she wakes up all night, so it's hard ^^Yes it's on it's not easyI will send you pictures otherwise it goes well?merciii Yes it goes wellHe cries, he sleeps... x)He smiled much... I'm in love Laughing out loudYou etonnes me it is so beautifulYes and you gonnaYes Yes it's going ^^ I hate not being able to be with her and help her... I can not see all the time because it is tiredbut it is normal.. To do withWhen I have said the new, I sent you videos also, you knew show them?Yes I suspect not easy qst to you two but I hope for you that will be quickly regleue itYes I saw them on the pc because I only saw pictures on the telephoneI hope also ^^and Dan you have him say? It has react how?He was also surprised that we lol and it me Apelles same grrrrr me it's Granny not even mdrMDR evenIt is too good I saiiiis hahahihiI can't send you videos grrrrrr damageI can post on your wall if you want ^^Oke It loads Super and if not you okay?I can pass soon? Yes very good Yes when you want itThis Friday maybe?Sunday is invited at friends so Friday and Saturday or you come the weekend of after?As you want ^^or even the week if you wantYes eh as usual, 7 day weekend OK so just Monday to SundayAll right super OK (otherwise the video is still trying to load, it is super slow)Pfff if it's not going so bad you will show them me qd you comeYes this is my connection that is crappy lol ok then I patienterais lolBaby normally tu l'auras on your wall until I eh but hey it's slow what Laughing out loudOK no worriesVoilàààà yessssssssssawesome merciiiiii You are welcome Chat Conversation EndSeen 3:30 am
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
You're grandmother since March 6 at 2:42 am (8:42 So in Thailand) is a Thai name Gawinphop, I really wanted to tell you a true or at least on the phone but I have not been able contact you ..
I love you, have a good evening and happy birthday to Virginia
Monday 3:26 am Are you serious? Yes Fabian tells me I'm super happy, but I ' would have liked to know before and I am sad because I will never know your baby is a girl or a boy to do? Sorry you may learn only now the It's A Boy And they will come in Belgium eh! Or you come on holiday Never mind it makes me so happy I got tears in my eyes It's beautiful is not it? ^^ Yes magnificent It just makes me shit for not being there right now what .. She gave birth by Caesarean section and sulfur quite complicated it is for her and tomorrow it already out of the hospital Yeah I suspect she grandparents to help but they are old enough so good It's boring stuff .. I dunno again when I'm gonna be Yeah did not you chose simplicity Yeah right ..: x Anyway I'm gonna try to find in there I saw no benefits .. found a job as quickly and economise Bah I try .. I sent resumes and all, but there's nothing Yes I know it's not easy at present and Virginia she thinks what about my son? She said it is fine Ok I'm going to leave you I get up early tomorrow to work hard I love you kisses to you and your dear little son MON your son I love you good night darling Thank you Good night to you too mom, I love you 9:10 pm Wednesday kikou sweety how's your son? big kisses her back home c well? jajah ?? And it better? 19 hours ago hello mom Jajah is better, but it is super tired, not facille to care for him alone She has a friend who is came to help but she wakes up all night so it's hard ^^ yes it's on it's not easy I will send you pictures if he's okay? merciii Yes it goes well he cries, he sleeps. . x) He smiled a lot .. I'm in love lol You surprise me it's so beautiful , yes and you will ca Yes yes it will ^^ j'déteste the fact of being able to be with her ​​and help her .. What j'puisse not see it all the time because she is tired but that's normal .. Must do with when I told you the news, I sent videos too, you were able to see them? yes i I doubt qst not easy for both of you but I hope for you that will be quickly régléue c'e yes I saw them on the pc because the telephoe I saw only pictures ^^ I hope you and Dan him you say? He reacts how? he was as surprised as us lol and m'apelle granny grrrrr me this is not grandma granny lol MDR granny is too good I saiiiis haha hihi I can not send you the videos grrrrrr damage I can post on your wall if you want ^^ ouiiiiiiiiiii load it great and if you are you? I can go soon? yes very much yes when you want this Friday maybe? Sunday we are invited in friends so Friday and Saturday or you come to after the weekend? ^^ As you wish or even the week if you want huh Yes as usual, 7 days weekend ok so come Monday until Sunday Okay okay super (otherwise the video is still loaded, it's super slow) pfff if it'll not too bad you will show me you just qd Yes that's my connection is crap lol ok so I patienterais lol Well normally you will have it on your wall before I came but eh what good is slow lol ok no worries Voilàààà yessssssssss awesome merciiiiii You're Chat Conversation End Seen 3:30 am

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Thou art great-mother since March 6 to 2:42 am of the morning (therefore 8:42 AM in Thailand) his first name thai it is Gawinphop, i absolutely wanted te the say in true or at least on the phone but I have not su te contact..
I love you, spent a good evening and happy birthday to Virginia
Monday 3:26am

T'es serious?

Fabian has just told me i am super happy but i would have liked the know well before and I am sad because I do familiar never thy baby it is a girl or a boy to the fact?
Sorry that thou mayest learn only now
It is a boy
and we will collect in Belgium hein! Or you come on holiday

This is not serious ca i am so pleased I had the tears in the eyes
It is beautiful eh?

Yes beautiful
Ca makes me just crap to not be there at this time what..

she gave birth by cesarean section and it sulfur not bad it is complicated for it and tomorrow it fate already of the hospital

Ben yes i doubt well
it has its great-grandparents to help but they are old enough so good
This is the hint chiant.. i not yet know when I will be there

Ben yes thee hast not chosen the simplicity
Yeah that is true.. :X but good I am going to try to find under saw that there i no allowances..

found a job at faster and saves
Bah i tried.. I sends CV and any but is nothing

Yes i know it is not easy at the present time
and Virginia she thinks what of my son?

She has said that it is beautiful

I will have to leave thee i rise early tomorrow for work i love you fort kisses has thee thy cherie and thy son my small son I love you good night mon cheri
Thank You Good night to thee also mom, I love you

Wednesday 9:10pm

kikou mon cheri how will thy son? Big kisses

his return has the home c well past ?

And jajah ??it will better ?
19 hours ago
cuckoo mom
Jajah will better,But it is super tired, not like to care for him any single
she has a friend who came to help him but she wakes up all night so it is hard

yes it is on it is not easy
i send you photos

otherwise it goes well ?

Yes it goes well
he is crying, he sleeps.. x)
he smiles a lot.. I am lover


thou surprised me it's so beautiful

and toi ca va
Yes Yes ca va

i hate the fact of not be able to be with her and the help.. That I could not see all the time because she is tired
but that is normal.. Must be done with
when I said to thee the new, I have sent thee videos also, Thou hast su the see ?

yes i doubt qst not easy for you two but I hope for you that will quickly regleue it e

Yes I have seen on the pc because on the telephone i saw only the pictures
I also hope pretender and Dan thou hast say ? He reacts how ?pretender he was also surprised that we lol and he called me same grrrrr me is grandma not same mdr

it is too beautiful
i saiiiis haha

I arrived not to send you the videos

grrrrrr damage
i can post it on your wall if thou wilt

CA load

and otherwise you ca va ?
i can go soon?

Yes very well

yes when you want to
this Friday may be ?

Sunday there is invited among friends so friday and saturday or thou have just the weekend of after ?
as thou wilt

or even the week if thou wilt
Yes hein as of hab, weekend of 7 days

ok then come Monday until Sunday

ok super
(Otherwise the video is still in the process of loading, it is super slow)

(SNIFF if ca will not so much the worse thou me the qd will show you just
Yes it is my connection which is rubbish

lol ok then i patienterais lol
Bah normally thou on thy wall before that i Vienna hein but good it is slow what


ok no worries


great merciiiiii
Chat Conversation End
Seen 3:30AM
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