Abigaël Bourgade et Mauréen Guilhgempey iront au tournoi de France à C การแปล - Abigaël Bourgade et Mauréen Guilhgempey iront au tournoi de France à C อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Abigaël Bourgade et Mauréen Guilhge

Abigaël Bourgade et Mauréen Guilhgempey iront au tournoi de France à Cannes. Sélectionnant les meilleurs athlètes de France, les 2 cadettes du Club des Ours iront avec la Fédération et le Pôle espoir à Cannes pour ce prestigieux tournoi. Abigaël qui vient de remporter ce week end le tournoi de Condom, renouvelle ainsi une nouvelle victoire en tournoi après celle de Limoges. Sa camarade du Pôle Espoir, Manon Colinet également du club tarn et garonnais accède à une brillande 2ème place à Condom. Abigaël, Manon et Mauréen ont fait partie de l'équipe des Oours qui ont participé au championnat de France par équipe de Club, récemment à Paris où elles ont gagné des clubs parisiens mais se sont inclinées contre la Corse. Enfin, si le club des Ours est connu pour sa formation et les résultats de ses jeunes judokas, voilà de plus en plus d'adultes que brillent. En témoignent les 3 nouveaux podiums d'Etienne Fouillassar -73 kilos, Laurette Sapène en - 78 kilos, et Vincent Buisson - 60 kilos (professeur au Club des Ours à Pompignan - nouveau club) qui montent tous les trois sur le podium du tournoi régional de Toulouse. Le Club prépare le tournoi inernational de Perpignan, de Bilbao (Espagne) et de Boston (USA) tournoi qui arrive dans les prochaines échéances. Bravo à tous et continuez sur votre lancée !!!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Abigail town and Maureen guilhgempey go tournament in Cannes France. selecting the best athletes from France, 2 younger club bears go with the federation and hope to cannes center for this prestigious tournament. Abigail who has just won this weekend's tournament condom and renews a new tournament victory after the Limoges.his comrade pole hope manon also colinet the Tarn and Garonne club accesses a brillande 2nd place condom. Abigail, manon and Maureen were part of the team oours who participated in the France team championship club recently in Paris where they won Parisian clubs but are inclined against the Corsican. finally,if the bears club is known for its training and the results of its young judokas, that more and more adults than shine. evidenced by the 3 new podiums etienne fouillassar -73 kilos, Laurette Sapene in - 78 pounds, and vincent bush - 60 kilos (professor at club bears pompignan - new club) who ride all three on the podium of the regional tournament of Toulouse.Club prepares inernational tournament Perpignan, bilbao (spain) and Boston (USA) tournament happens in the next elections. Congratulations to all and keep the momentum!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Abigaël Bourgade and Maureen Guilhgempey will go to the tournament of France in Cannes. Selecting the best athletes in France, 2 female cadets of the bears Club go with the Federation and the Pole hope to Cannes for this prestigious tournament. Joanne who just won this weekend tournament of Condom, thus renews a new tournament win after that of Limoges. His classmate of Pole hope, Manon Colinet also of the tarn club and garonnais accesses a 2nd brillande place in Condom. Abbi, Manon and Maureen were part of the team of Oours who participated in the team's Club Championship of France, recently in Paris where they won clubs Paris but are inclined against Corsica. Finally,. If the bears club is known for its training and the results of its young judokas, this is more and more adults that shine. Evidenced by the new 3 podiums of Etienne Fouillassar-73 kilos, Laurette Sapène - 78 kilos, and Vincent Buisson - 60 kilos (Professor at the Pompignan - new club bears Club) which are all three on the podium of the regional tournament in Toulouse. The Club prepares tournament inernational Perpignan, Bilbao (Spain) and Boston (USA) tournament that happens in the next elections. Congratulations to all and continue your momentum!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Abigael Adalf Bourgade and Maureen Guilhgempey will go at the tournament in France in Cannes. Selecting the best athletes from France, the 2 female cadets of the Club of bears will go with the Federation and the Pole hope in Cannes for this prestigious tournament. Abigael Adalf who just win this weekend the tournament of Condom, renews and a new victory in tournament after that of Limoges.His comrade of the Pole Hope, Manon North also the club tarn and garonnais accesses a brillande 2nd place to Condom. Abigael Adalf, Manon and Maureen have been part of the team of during which have participated in the championship of France by Club team, recently in Paris or they have earned many clubs of paris but se are skewed against the Corsica. Finally,If the club of bears is known for its training and the results of its young judokas, that is more and more adults that are shining. Reflected in the 3 new podiums of Etienne Fouillassar -73 kilos, Laurette Sapene in - 78 kilos, and Vincent Buisson - 60 kilos (professor at the Club of the bears in Pompignan - new club) which rise all three on the podium of the regional tournament in Toulouse.The Club prepares the EUROSATORY International Tournament of Perpignan, Bilbao (Spain) and Boston (USA) tournament which arrives in the upcoming deadlines. Bravo to all and continue on your launched!!!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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