André Malraux, pour l'état civil Georges André Malraux, né le 3 novemb การแปล - André Malraux, pour l'état civil Georges André Malraux, né le 3 novemb อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

André Malraux, pour l'état civil Ge

André Malraux, pour l'état civil Georges André Malraux, né le 3 novembre 1901 à Paris1 (18e) et mort le 23 novembre 1976 à Créteil (Val-de-Marne), marié le 26 octobre 1921 à Clara Goldschmidt ; divorcé le 9 juillet 1947 ; remarié à Riquewihr (Haut Rhin) le 13 mars 1948 avec Marie-Madeleine Lioux2, est un écrivain, aventurier, homme politique et intellectuel français.
Essentiellement autodidacte et tenté par l'aventure, André Malraux gagne l'Indochine où il participe à un journal anticolonialiste et est emprisonné en 1923-1924 pour trafic d'antiquités khmères. Revenu en France, il transpose cette aventure dans son roman La Voie royale publié en 1930 et gagne la célébrité avec la parution en 1933 de La Condition humaine, un roman d'aventure et d'engagement qui s'inspire des soubresauts révolutionnaires de la Chine et obtient le Prix Goncourt.
Militant antifasciste, André Malraux combat en 1936-1937 aux côtés des Républicains espagnols. Son engagement le conduit à écrire son roman L'Espoir, publié en décembre 1937, et à en tourner une adaptation filmée Espoir, sierra de Teruel en 1938. Il rejoint la Résistance en mars 1944 et participe aux combats lors de la Libération de la France. Après la guerre, il s’attache à la personne du général de Gaulle, joue un rôle politique au RPF, et devient, après le retour au pouvoir du général de Gaulle, ministre de la Culture de 1959 à 1969.
Il écrit alors de nombreux ouvrages sur l'art comme Le Musée imaginaire ou Les Voix du silence (1951) et prononce des oraisons funèbres mémorables comme lors du transfert des cendres de Jean Moulin au Panthéon le 19 décembre 19643. En 1996, pour le 20e anniversaire de sa mort survenue le 23 novembre 1976, ce sont les cendres de Malraux qui sont à leur tour transférées au Panthéon.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
André Malraux, for Vital george André Malraux, born November 3, 1901 paris1 (18th) and died November 23, 1976 in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), married October 26, 1921 in clara goldschmidt; divorced 9 July 1947, remarried in riquewihr (haut rhin) March 13, 1948 with Mary Magdalene lioux2, is a writer, adventurer, French politician and intellectual
.essentially self-taught and tempted by the adventure, André Malraux wins Indochina where he participated in an anti-colonialist newspaper and jailed for 1923-1924 Khmer antiquities trafficking. returned to France, he transposes this adventure in his novel the royal road published in 1930 and won fame with the publication in 1933 of the human condition,an adventure and commitment that inspired the revolutionary upheavals of China and obtained the price goncourt novel.
militant antifascist, 1936-1937 André Malraux fight alongside the Spanish Republicans. commitment led him to write his novel Hope, published in December 1937, and in turn a filmed adaptation hope Sierra de Teruel in 1938.he joined the resistance in March 1944 and saw action during the liberation of France. after the war, it focuses on the person of General de Gaulle, plays a political role in RPF, and became, after the return to power of General de Gaulle, Minister of Culture from 1959 to 1969.
then he wrote many books on art as imaginary museum or the sound of silence (1951) and delivers memorable eulogies as when transferring ash jeans mill pantheon December 19 19643. in 1996, the 20th anniversary of his death on 23 November 1976 are the ashes malraux which are in turn transferred to the Pantheon.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
André Malraux, for vital Georges André Malraux, born November 3, 1901, in Paris 1 (18th) and died November 23, 1976 in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), married on 26 October 1921 to Clara Goldschmidt. divorce on July 9, 1947; remarried in Riquewihr (Haut Rhin) March 13, 1948 with Marie-Madeleine Lioux2, is a writer, adventurer, politician and French intellectual.
.Largely self-taught and tempted by the adventure, André Malraux WINS Indochina where he attends an anti-colonialist newspaper and was imprisoned in 1923-1924 for Khmer antiquities trafficking. Returning to France, he transposes this adventure in his Royal Lane novel published in 1930 and won celebrity with the publication in 1933 of the Condition human, a novel of adventure and commitment which is inspired by the revolutionary upheavals of China and gets the Prix Goncourt.
anti-fascist Militant, André Malraux fought in 1936-1937 alongside the Spanish Republicans. Commitment led him to write his novel L'Espoir, published in December 1937, and in turn filmed adaptation hope, sierra of Teruel in 1938. He joined the Resistance in March 1944 and participated in the battles during the Liberation of the France. After the war, he attaches to the person of general de Gaulle, plays a political role to the RPF, and became, after the return to power of general de Gaulle, Minister of Culture from 1959 to 1969
.He wrote numerous books on art as the imaginary Museum or the voice of silence (1951) and pronounced a memorable funeral orations as during the transfer of the ashes of Jean Moulin in the Pantheon on 19 December 19643. In 1996, for the 20th anniversary of his death on November 23, 1976, are the ashes of Malraux that are in turn transferred to the Pantheon.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Andre Malraux, for civil status Georges Andre Malraux, do the November 3, 1901 in Paris1 (18e) and death the November 23, 1976 in Creteil (Val-de-Marne), Marie October 26, 1921 to Clara Goldschmidt ; divorce the July 9, 1947 ; remarried to Riquewihr (Top Rhine) the March 13, 1948 with Mary Magdalene Lioux2, is a writer, adventurer, politician and intellectual french.
Largely self-taught and attempts by the adventure, Andrã© Malraux won the Indochina where he participated in a newspaper anticolonial and is imprisoned in 1923-1924 for trafficking of Khmer antiquities. Income in France, he transposed this adventure in his novel The Royal Way published in 1930 and won the celebrity with the publication in 1933 of the human condition,A novel of adventure and of commitment which is inspired by the revolutionary upheavals in China and gets the Prix Goncourt.
anti-fascist activist, Andre Malraux battle in 1936-1937 to the sides of the Spanish republicans. His commitment the duct to write his novel The Hope, published in December 1937, and in turn an adaptation filmed Hope, sierra de Teruel 1938.He joined the Resistance in March 1944 and participated in the fighting during the liberation of France. After the war, it attaches to the person of general de Gaulle, played a political role in the RPF, and becomes, after the return to power of general de Gaulle, Minister of Culture from 1959 to 1969.
It then writes many books on art as the imaginary museum or the voices of silence (1951) and pronounced the funeral orations memorable as during the transfer of the ashes of Jean Moulin to the Pantheon on 19 December 19643. In 1996, for the 20th anniversary of his death occurred the November 23, 1976, this are the ashes of Malraux who in their turn, are transferred to the Pantheon.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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