Pierre Schoendoerffer
The operation "Camargue", conducted from July 28 to 30, 1953 in Vietnam Centre in the coastal region between Hue and Quang Tri (nicknamed the "street without joy"), is intended to regain control of the region to counter a planned offensive by the Viet Minh in Trung Doan annéantissant 95 (regiment). This operation is conducted with the participation of airborne troops including the II / 1st RCP (2nd Battalion, 1st Parachute Regiment Chasseurs), armored III / 6th RSM (3rd Squadron of the 6th Regiment of Spahis Moroccans) and 1 REC ( Foreign Regiment of Cavalry) including those of the 7th GEA (Amphibious Squadron Group) and the Group D, GM 7 (Mobile Group) and naval vessels of the contest.