Associations between Study Variables
Table 6 highlights the correlations (Pearson’s r coefficients)
between the QEESI scales and the 3 dimensions of suffering, and
between the total scores of the QEESI variables and suffering. There
was a high positive correlation between severity scales, impact on
life-style, and all measures of suffering. The Intolerance scale did not
segregate with suffering (low r coefficient).
A linear regression analysis with the three subscales of QEESI as
predicting variables and suffering as the dependent variable (see
Table 7) showed that the equation was statistically significant (F =
24.720, p < .001) and explained 38.2% of the variance in the total
score of suffering (R2 = .382) and with significance in the three
measured variables: severity of illness (B = 0.581), chemical
intolerances (B = -0.270) and life impact (B = 0.334).