Mes deux meilleurs amis, Tom Yum et Khrao Niao! J'aime trop la cuisine thaï. Je pense ne pas être le seul mais depuis que je suis en Thaïlande, quand de la nourriture tombe sur la table, je la ramasse et la mange .... Normal ici.
My two best friends, Tom Yum and Khrao Niao! I too love thai cuisine.I think not to be the only one but since I'm in Thailand, when food falls on the table, I the picks up and eats... Normal here.
My two best friends, Tom Yum and Khrao Niao! I love Thai food too. I think not to be the only one but since I was in Thailand when the food falls on the table, I picked it up and eats here .... Normal.
My two best friends, Tom Yum and Khrao NIIN! I like too the thai cuisine. I think not to be the only one, but since I am in Thailand, when food drops on the table, I picked up and eaten .... Normal here.