MON BLADA LÀ, homo refoulé que je connais depuis 7-8ans, soit disant grand évangéliste et qui vient derrière ma chou pour "rien de serieux" quand je suis pas là. BIG UP à TOI Mange merde
My BHIDE LÀ, repressed homo I know since 7-8 yrs, either saying great evangelist and coming behind my cabbage for "nothing serious" when I'm not there. BIG UP to youEat shit
THERE MY blada, repressed homo I've known for 7-8 years, supposedly great evangelist and just behind my cabbage for "nothing serious" when I'm not there. BIG UP to YOU Eat shit
MY BLADA HERE, homo discharged that i know since 7-8years, either saying great evangelist and who just behind my cabbage for "nothing serious" when I am not there. BIG UP to thee ate shit