La nourriture des animaux
Tous les animaux ont besoin de nourriture. Dans la nature, les animaux cherchent leur nourriture. Au zoo, les gardiens donnent de la nourriture aux animaux. Les papillons mangent du nectar. Dans la nature, les papillons mangent le nectar des fleurs. Au zoo, les gardiens mettent le nectar dans des mangeoires. Les gorilles aiment chercher leur nourriture. Dans la nature, les gorilles cherchent cette nourriture dans la jungle. Au zoo, les gardiens cachent la nourriture des gorilles. Les girafes mangent des plantes. Dans la nature , les girafes mangent les feuilles au sommet des arbres. Au zoo, les gardiens mettent cette nourriture au sommet des arbres pour les girafes. Les pandas mangent du bambou. Dans la nature , les pandas mangent du bambou toute la journée. Au Zoo, les gardiens donnent du bambou aux pandas. Ils leur donnent aussi des œufs, de la viande et du riz. Les lions mangent d'autres animaux. Dans la nature, les lions chassent les animaux et les mangent. Au zoo, les gardiens donnent de la viande aux lions. Les serpents mangent des petits animaux. Ils mangent seulement une fois toutes les deux ou trois semaines. Dans la nature, les serpents attrapent des petits animaux. Au zoo, les gardiens donnent des petits animaux aux serpents.
The food of animals All animals need food. In nature, animals foraged. At the zoo, keepers give food to animals. Butterflies eat nectar. In nature, butterflies eat nectar from flowers. At the zoo, keepers put the nectar in feeders. Gorillas like foraging. In the wild, gorillas are seeking this food in the jungle. At the zoo, keepers hide food from gorillas. Giraffes eat plants. In nature, the giraffes eat leaves at the tops of trees. At the zoo, keepers put this food atop the trees for giraffes. Pandas eat bamboo. In the wild, pandas eat bamboo all day. At the Zoo, keepers give the bamboo for the pandas. They also give their eggs, meat and rice. Lions eat other animals. In nature, lions hunt animals and eat them. At the zoo, guards give meat to the lions. Snakes eat small animals. They eat only once every two or three weeks. In the wild, snakes catch small animals. At the zoo, keepers give small animals snakes.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

The food animals
All animals need food. In nature, animals forage. At the zoo, the guards give food to the animals. Butterflies eat nectar. In nature, butterflies eat flower nectar. At the zoo, the guards put the nectar in feeders. Gorillas like to search for food. In the wild, gorillas seek this food in the jungle. At the zoo, keepers hide food gorillas. Giraffes eat plants. In the wild, giraffes eat the leaves in the treetops. At the zoo, the guards put the food in the treetops for giraffes. Pandas eat bamboo. In the wild, pandas eat bamboo all day. Zoo, keepers to give bamboo pandas. They also give their eggs, meat and rice. Lions eat other animals. In the wild, lions hunt animals and eat them. At the zoo, the guards give the meat to the lions. The snakes eat small animals. They eat only once every two or three weeks. In the wild, the snakes catch small animals. At the zoo, the guards give small animals snakes.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

animal food. animals need food. in nature, animals forage. in the zoo, the guards give food to the animals. the moths eat nectar. in nature, the butterflies feed on nectar from flowers. in the zoo, the guards are in the nectar feeders. gorillas like to get their food. in the nature.those looking for food in the jungle. in the zoo, the guards are food for the monkeys. giraffes eat plants. in nature, the giraffes eat leaves at the top of the tree. in the zoo, the guards put the food at the top of the tree for the giraffes. pandas eat bamboo. in nature, the pandas eat bamboo every the zoo, the guards are the bamboo the pandas. they also provide eggs, meat and rice. lions eat other animals. in nature, the lions hunted animals and eat them. in the zoo, the guards gave the meat to the lions. snakes eat small animals. they eat only once every two or three weeks. in the nature.the snakes can catch small animals. in the zoo, the guards are small animals with snakes.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..