Si vous parlez d'un mec. l'homme qui n'est pas un surhomme, mais ses bras sont warm.when il n'y a pas de bonheur, il va me consoler avec son amour, l'homme qui m'aime avec son heart.he est gars nous appelé père.
If you are talking about a guy. the man who is not a Superman, but his arms are warm.when there's no happiness, it will comfort me with his love, the man who loves me with his heart.he is guy we called father.
If you talk to a guy. the man who is not a superman, but his arms are warm.when there is no happiness, it will comfort me with his love, the man who loves me with his guy is heart.he us called father.
If you are talking about a guy. the man who is not a superman, but his arms are warm.when there is no happiness, he will comfort me with his love, the man who loves me with his heart.he is guy we called father.