Si la langue signe l’identité et l’appartenance à une culture, le français peut-il devenir un espace d’expression et de partage pour des peuples en conflit ? Devenir une terre d’accueil ? C’est le pari tenté par l’écrivain Yanne Dimay (1). Têtue, audacieuse, prof à Paris-III, elle a opéré un tour de force en persuadant 4 facultés et 80 étudiants palestiniens de Ramallah, Naplouse, Hébron et Gaza de participer à des ateliers d’écriture, sous l’égide du Consulat général de France à Jérusalem-Est. A suivi un concours de nouvelles en langue française, qui vient d’être primé en grande pompe à l’Institut du monde arabe à Paris, en présence des jeunes lauréats.
If the language signs the identity and belonging to a culture, can the french become a space of expression and sharing for peoples in conflict? Become a land of welcome? This is the bet attempted by writer Yanne Dimay (1). Stubborn, bold, prof at Paris III, it has operated a tour de force in persuading 4 faculties and 80 Palestinian Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron and Gaza students to attend writing workshops, under the auspices of the Consulate general of France in Jerusalem - East. Attended a French-language news contest, which comes to be awarded to a large pump at the Institute of the Arab world in Paris, in the presence young winners.
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If sign language identity and belonging to a culture, the French can it become a space for expression and sharing for conflicting peoples? Become a welcoming land? This is the challenge attempted by the writer Yanne Dimay (1). Stubborn, bold, professor at Paris-III, she operated a stunt persuading 4 faculties and 80 Palestinian students in Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron and Gaza to participate in writing workshops under the auspices of the Consulate General France in East Jerusalem. Attended story contest in French, which has been winning in style at the Arab World Institute in Paris, in the presence of young winners.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

If the language signed the identity and belonging to a culture, the French can it become a space of expression and sharing for peoples in conflict? Become a land of welcome? This is the bet attempts by the writer Yanne Dimay (1). Stubborn, bold, prof to Paris-III, it has operated at a tower of strength in persuading 4 faculties and 80 Palestinian students of Ramallah, Nablus,Hebron and Gaza to participate in writing workshops, under the auspices of the Consulate General of France in East Jerusalem. Has followed a competition of French-language news, which comes to be premium in large pump at the Arab World Institute in Paris, in the presence of the young winners.
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