ETAPES DE CARRIÈRE1983 : Création de Micromania, une société de vente  การแปล - ETAPES DE CARRIÈRE1983 : Création de Micromania, une société de vente  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ETAPES DE CARRIÈRE1983 : Création d


1983 : Création de Micromania, une société de vente de jeux vidéo par correspondance.
1987 : Ouverture du premier magasin Micromania.
2000 : Albert Loridan fait entrer LV Capital (LVMH) au capital de Micromania à hauteur de 35%.


Albert Loridan est fondateur et président-directeur général de Micromania, enseigne spécialisée dans la distribution de jeux vidéo.

Après avoir débuté sa carrière au sein de Texas Instruments aux Etats-Unis en 1976, il met en place un concept de vente en ligne de jeux vidéo, en 1983, et inaugure le premier point de vente Micromania, quatre ans après.

En 2000, le leader mondial de luxe LVMH entre dans le capital de la firme à raison de 35% et prend la totalité du capital 5 ans plus tard. Alors, l'enseigne compte une centaine de magasins, et voit ce nombre croître continuellement.
En 2008, elle est rachetée par le leader mondial du secteur, l'américain GameStop pour 700 millions de dollars, soit environ 480 millions d’euros.
Micromania, le leader français dans la distribution de jeux vidéo, réalise 600 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires, en 2009.

En 2012, elle compte près de 400 magasins en France et figure parmi les premiers employeurs dans le secteur des jeux vidéo avec plus de 1 500 salariés.
Par ailleurs, Micromania accueille plus de 2 millions de visites par mois sur son site internet.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
career stages

1983 micromania creating a company selling video games by mail
1987. opening of the first store micromania
2000. albert Loridan brought lv capital (lvmh) micromania capital of up to 35 %.

albert Loridan achievements is the founder and CEO of micromania teaches specialized in the distribution of games.

videoafter beginning his career at texas instruments united states in 1976, he set up a concept of online selling video games in 1983 and opened the first point of sale micromania, four years later.

In 2000, the world's leading luxury lvmh enters the capital of the company at 35% and the total capital takes 5 years later. thenthe brand has a hundred stores, and sees this number growing continually.
in 2008, it was bought by the world leader, the U.S. gamestop for $ 700 million, or about 480 million euros.
micromania , the French leader in the distribution of video games, generates 600 million euros in turnover in 2009.

in 2012,it has nearly 400 stores in France and among the top employers in the video games industry with over 1,500 employees.
also micromania hosts more than 2 million hits per month on its website.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
STEPS of career

1983: Creation of Micromania, a company for the sale of video games by correspondence.
1987: opening of the first store Micromania.
2000: Albert Loridan is joining height of 35%.


albert Loridan LV Capital (LVMH) to the capital of Micromania is founder and CEO of Micromania, teaches specialized in the distribution of video games.

Having started his career at the bosom of Texas Instruments in the United States in 1976, he is developing a concept of online sales of video games, in 1983, and inaugurates the first point of sale Micromania, four years after.

in 2000, the world leader in luxury LVMH enters the capital of the company at the rate of 35% and takes the whole of the capital five years later. Then,. sign a hundred shops, and see this number grow continually.
in 2008, it was purchased by the world leader in the sector, American GameStop for $ 700 million, or about 480 million euros.
Micromania, the French leader in the distribution of video games, makes 600 million euros of turnover, in 2009

in 2012,. It has nearly 400 stores in France and is one of the first employers in the sector of video games with more than 1,500 employees.
Moreover, Micromania welcomes more than 2 million visits per month on its website.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

1983: Creation of Micromania, a sales company of video games by correspondence.
1987: Opening of the first store Micromania.
2000: Albert Loridan fact enter LV Capital (LVMH) to the capital of Micromania to height of 35 % .pretender ACHIEVEMENTS

Albert Loridan is founder and president-director general of Micromania, teaches specialized in the distribution of video games.

After having started his career at Texas Instruments in the United States in 1976, it puts in place a concept of online sales of video games, in 1983, and inaugurated the first point of sale Micromania, four years after.

In 2000, the world leader in luxury goods company LVMH between in the capital of the firm to reason of 35% and supports the entire capital 5 years later. Then,The teaches account one hundred shops, and sees this number grow continuously.
In 2008, it was bought by the world leader in the industry, the American GameStop for $700 million, or approximately 480 million euros.
Micromania, the French leader in the distribution of video games, produced 600 million euros in turnover, in 2009.

In 2012,It has nearly 400 stores in France and is among the first employers in the sector of video games with more than 1,500 employees.
In addition, Micromania welcomes more than 2 million visits per month on its internet site.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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