Pour pretendre a un salaire, le courtier doit prouver, d'une part, qu'il a agi et, d'autre part, que son intervention a ete couronnee de succes (ATF 131 III 268, consid. 5.1.2 ; ATF 124 III 481, consid. 3a). II faut donc que le contrat que le
mandant cherchait a obtenir ait ete conclu et qu'il existe un lien de causalite entre
l'activite du courtier et la conclusion du contrat.
For claim has a wage, broker must demonstrate, on the one hand, that he acted and, secondly, that its intervention has been crowned by success (ATF 131 III 268, preambular para. 5.1.2;) ATF 124 III 481, preambular para. 3A). should be so that the contract that theprincipal sought a get has been concluded and that there is a causal link betweenthe activity of the broker and the conclusion of the contract.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

To pretend to pay, the broker must prove, first, that it has acted and, secondly, that its intervention was crowned with success (ATF 131 III 268, considered 5.1.2;. ATF 124 III 481 consid. 3a). It is therefore necessary that the contract that the
principal has been sought to obtain and concluded that there is a causal link between
the activity of the broker and the contract.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

to claim a wage, the broker must demonstrate, on the one hand, that it was, and, on the other hand, its action was crowned with success (atf 131 (268). 5.1.2. atf 124 (481). 3 (a). it is the contract that the warrant was obtained has been reached and that there is a causal link between the activity of the broker and the conclusion of the contract.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..