La dinde de Noël est un plat préparé pour le réveillon de Noël. Constitué d'une dinde farcie, c'est le plat par excellence dans de nombreux pays au monde à cette occasion. Cependant, en Allemagne, on préfère l'oie pour cette occasion.
The Christmas Turkey is a dish prepared for Christmas Eve. Consisting of a stuffed Turkey, this is the dish by excellence in many countries in the world on this occasion. However, in Germany, we prefer the oie for the occasion.
Christmas turkey is a dish prepared for the Christmas Eve. Consisting of a stuffed turkey is the dish of choice in many countries in the world on this occasion. However, in Germany, preferred goose for this occasion.
The Christmas turkey is a dish prepared for Christmas eve. Consisting of a turkey stuffed, it is the flat by excellence in many countries in the world to this opportunity. However, in Germany, we preferred the oie for this opportunity.