Quand Isidore a perdu sa mule, il n'a pas voulu en avoir d'autre, il a การแปล - Quand Isidore a perdu sa mule, il n'a pas voulu en avoir d'autre, il a อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Quand Isidore a perdu sa mule, il n

Quand Isidore a perdu sa mule, il n'a pas voulu en avoir d'autre, il a démonté sa mangeoire et il nous l'a donnée pour en faire une balustrade rustique. Chaque fois qu'il vient chez nous il caresse les barreaux tout grignotés en disant "Je reconnais les dents de ma mule!" C'est qu'il y tenait à sa Jojotte, affectueuse, dure à la tâche, et coriace!

Avant d'être chez Isidore, la mule se trouvait chez ses cousins, Georges et Pierrette, à l'autre bout du pays dans une vieille bâtisse au bord d'un ruisseau. Il n'avait l'air de rien, ce ruisseau, avec son tout petit filet d'eau qui séchait dès les premiers jours de l'été, et ils avaient construit leur maison près de lui sans se méfier.

Georges cultivait sa lavande et sa vigne, il travaillait beaucoup. Leurs deux enfants, une fille et un garçon, qui devenaient grands, commençaient à les aider, et ils s'entendaient très bien tous les quatre... Tous les cinq en comptant la Jojotte.
Quand elle arrivait au marché, toute fière, avec son poil bien brossé, et les pompons rouges que Pierrette lui avait fabriqués, ses deux paniers chargés de fromages, d 'oeufs, de poules et de lapins, les gens se disaient: "En voilà une belle bête, gentille et travailleuse! C'est moi qui aimerais une mule comme celle-là!"

Un jour d'automne, après les vendanges, le ciel tout à coup est devenu noir, si noir qu'il a fallu allumer les lampes dans les maisons, et que, dehors, quand on marchait, on ne savait plus si on était sur le chemin ou dans les champs.

Bientôt de grands éclairs éblouissants ont traversé les nuages avec des éclats de tonnerre épouvantables qui n'en finissaient pas. La pluie s'est mise à tomber, normale, d'abord, puis de plus en plus forte, et ensuite comme les chutes du Niagara. Tout le monde s'était enfermé à l'abri chez soi, on attendait que ça s'arrête; mais ça ne s'arrêtait pas!

Alors, le petit ruisseau de rien du tout s'est mis à grossir et à rouler des pierres et des branches d'arbre comme un torrent de montagne. Il a commencé à remplir son lit, ce lit si profond qu'il avait creusé avant le temps des hommes. L'eau s'est approchée de la ferme en bouillonnant, elle en a fait une toute petite île au milieu de la tempête. Ses vagues méchantes ont tout arraché, tout ce que George et Pierrette avaient gagné de leurs peines, ou reçu de leurs parents. Le lendemain, l'orage était fini.

Un grand vent du Nord a balayé tous les nuages, le ciel est redevenu clair, et on aurait pu croire que rien ne s'était passé, sans les champs inondés les arbres cassés, les maisons effondrées. Dès qu'ils ont pu, les gens du village ont couru voir ce qu'on devenait chez Georges et Pierrette.

Quel désastre! Des murs écroulés, des débris de verre, de vaisselle, de bois, de la boue brune qui sentait la vase, et pas un bruit, sauf le clip clop de l'eau qui retournait lentement vers le ruisseau.

De Georges, de Pierrette, des enfants, aucune trace, pas plus que de la pauvre Jojotte. On a donc pensé que tout le monde avait disparu dans la tempête.

Pendant qu'on priait pour elle au village, Jojotte se traînait dans la pierraille, la terre mouillée, les herbes glissantes: elle essayait de remonter du ravin vers les champs pour se sauver du cauchemar où elle avait cru mourir. Après des heures d'efforts, après être dégringolée plusieurs fois jusqu'au fond de la gorge, la vaillante bête a fini par aboutir sur le plateau et sur le chemin qu'elle avait pris si souvent pour aller au marché. Puisque les cousins étaient morts et qu'elle l'avait choisi, la mule est restée chez Isidore.

Or voilà qu'un jour il reçoit une lettre de Montréal, oui, du Québec où il ne connaissait vraiment personne. C'étaient les enfants de Georges et de Pierrette qui lui écrivaient, ils voulaient des nouvelles du village où ils étaient nés. Ils n'étaient donc pas morts! Comment ils avaient surnagé dans l'eau qui les emportait, je crois que c'est avec de vieux pneus qu'ils avaient réussi à attraper. Comment ils ont abouti à Marseille, et comment, de là, ils se sont retrouvés au Québec je ne pourrais pas te l'expliquer, je peux seulement dire que pendant très longtemps, ils n'ont pas voulu entendre parler du pays où ils avaient eu si peur, et où ils n'avaient plus rien. Ils ont ouvert un restaurant, et en travaillant beaucoup ils sont devenus presque riches.

Il y a quelques années, ils sont revenus au village pour les vacances. Et quand la vieille Jojotte, qui vivait encore, leur est apparue dans le soleil du matin, ils se sont crus revenus au temps de leur enfance, au temps où ils l'amenaient au marché, toute fière, avec ses paniers remplis d'œufs de fromages et de fruits.

Comme les mules ont bonne mémoire, je t'assure qu'elle leur a fait fête, et que c'était un plaisir de les voir tous si contents.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
When Isidore lost his mule, it did not have the other, it has dismantled its feeder and it we gave it to a rustic balustrade. Whenever he comes home he caresses all grignotes bars by saying "I acknowledge my mule teeth!" Is he there held in its Jojotte, affectionate, hard task, and tough!Before being in Isidore, the mule was among his cousins, Georges and Pierrette, at the other end of the country in an old House at the edge of a stream. He had the air of nothing, this Creek, with its tiny trickle of water that dried from the early days of the summer, and they had built their house near him without wary.Georges grew its lavender and his vineyard, he worked much. Their two children, a girl and a boy, who became great, began helping them, and they got along very well all four... All five counting the Jojotte.When she arrived at the market, any proud, with its well brushed hair, and Red PomPoms Pierrette had made him his two baskets of cheese, d ' eggs, chickens and rabbits, people said: 'here's a beautiful beast, nice and worked! It is me who would like a mule like that!"One fall day, after the harvest, the sky suddenly became black, so dark that it took to turn the lights in the houses, and that, outside when you walked, we knew more if we were on the way or in the fields. Soon large dazzling lightning crossed the clouds with shards of dreadful Thunder that only ended in. The rain began to fall, normal, first, and then more and more strong, and as the Niagara falls then. Everyone was locked away at home, it expected that it stops; but it did not stop! Then, rill nothing began to grow and for the rolling stones and branches of trees as a mountain torrent. He started to fill her bed, this so deep that he had dug before the time of men. The water came to the farm in bubbling, it was put to a tiny island in the middle of the storm. Its wicked waves were all ripped, what George and Pierrette had won of their sentences, or received from their parents. The next day, the storm was over. A great north wind swept all the clouds, the sky became clear, and one would have thought that nothing had happened, without the broken trees, collapsed homes flooded fields. As soon as they could, the people of the village ran see what it became in Georges and Pierrette.What a disaster! Collapsed walls, fragments of glass, crockery, wood, Brown mud which felt the vase, and not a sound, except the clip clop of the water that slowly returned to the Creek. Georges, Pierrette, children, no trace, no more than the poor Jojotte. It was therefore thought that everyone had disappeared in the storm.While they prayed for it to the village, Jojotte trailed in the rubble, the wet earth, slippery herbs: she was trying to reassemble the ravine to the fields to save themselves from the nightmare where she had believed die. After hours of efforts, after be split tumbled several times until the back of the throat, the valiant beast eventually arrive on the plateau and on the way that she had taken so often to go to the market. Since cousins had died and that she had chosen him, the mule has remained at Isidore. However this is that one day he receives a letter from Montreal, Yes, Quebec where he was really aware person. It were the children of George and Pierrette him writing, they wanted news of the village where they were born. They were therefore not dead! How they had surnagé in the water that carried them, I believe that it is with old tires that they had managed to grab. How they have resulted in Marseille, and how, then they found themselves in Quebec I couldn't explain it to you, I can only say that for very long, they did not want to hear from the country where they had been so afraid, and where they had more nothing. They opened a restaurant, and working much they became almost rich.A few years ago, they returned to the village for the holidays. And when the old Jojotte, which lived still, appeared them in the morning sun, they themselves are raw income at the time of their childhood, at the time where they led him to the market, all proud, with its baskets filled with eggs, cheese and fruit. As the mules have good memory, I assure you that it made their party, and it was a pleasure to see them all so happy.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
When Isidore lost his mule, he would not have the other, he dismantled his crib and he has given us to make a rustic railing. Every time he comes here he strokes bars nibbled while saying "I acknowledge the teeth of my mule!" Is that there standing at his Jojotte, affectionate, hard-working and tough! Before being among Isidore, the mule was with his cousins, George and Pierrette at the other end of the country in old building at the edge of a stream. He had the air of nothing, that stream, with its tiny trickle of water that was drying in the first days of summer, and they built their house near him unsuspecting. Georges cultivated his lavender his vineyard, he worked hard. Their two children, a girl and a boy, who became major, began to help them, and they got along very well all four ... All five counting the Jojotte. When she arrived at the market, proud, with his hair curled, and red pompoms Pierrette had made ​​him, his two baskets loaded with cheese, eggs, chickens and rabbits, people were saying, "What a beautiful animal, kind and hardworking C! ' is I who would like a mule like that! " One autumn day, after the harvest, the sky suddenly turned black, so black that had to light the lamps in homes, and, outside, when you walked, we did not know if we were on the road or in the fields. Soon large dazzling lightning crossed the clouds with terrible claps of thunder that never ended. The rain started to fall, normal, first, then faster and stronger, and then as the Niagara Falls. Everyone was locked away at home, we waited for it to stop; but that does not stop! Then the little stream of nothing began to swell and roll stones and tree branches like a mountain torrent. He began to fill his bed, the bed he had dug so deep before the time of men. The water came up to the farm bubbling, she made ​​a tiny island in the middle of the storm. His wicked waves ripped everything, everything that George and Pierrette had won their sentences, or received from their parents. The next day, the storm was over. A large North wind swept all the clouds, the sky is again clear, and you would think that nothing happened without the flooded fields broken trees, collapsed houses . As soon as they could, the villagers ran to see what was becoming to George and Pierrette. What a disaster! Crumbling walls, broken glass, crockery, wood, brown sludge that smelled of mud, and not a sound except the clip clop of the water that turned slowly toward the stream. De George, Pierrette, children, no trace, no more than the poor Jojotte. So we thought that everyone had disappeared in the storm. While we prayed for her in the village, Jojotte dragged in the gravel, wet earth, slippery grass: she tried to back up the ravine to the fields to save nightmare where she almost died. After hours of effort, after several times tumbled to the bottom of the gorge, the brave beast eventually led on the board and on the way she had taken so often to go to market. Since the cousins ​​were dead and she had chosen the mule stayed with Isidore. But then one day he receives a letter from Montreal, yes, Quebec where he really know anyone. They were the children of George and Pierrette who wrote to him, they wanted news of the village where they were born. They were therefore not dead! How they floated in the water that carried them, I think it's with old tires they had managed to catch. How they ended up in Marseille, and how, from there, they found themselves in Quebec I could not explain it to you, I can only say that for a long time, they did not want to hear about the countries where they had was so scared, and they had nothing. They opened a restaurant, and working much they became almost rich. There are a few years, they returned to the village for the holidays. And when the old Jojotte who was still alive, appeared to them in the morning sun, they thought themselves back to the days of their childhood, to the time when they were bringing to the market, proud, with baskets full of eggs cheese and fruit. As the mules have good memory, I assure you that it made ​​them party, and it was a pleasure to see them all so happy.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
When Isidore has lost his mule, he had not wished to have on the other, it has dismantled its trough and he has given it to us to make a rustic balustrade. Each time he comes home we he caresses the rungs while eroded by saying "I recognize the teeth of my mule!" is that he wanted it to its Jojotte, affectionate, lasted to the task, and tough!

prior to be among Isidore,The mule was among his cousins, Georges and Pierrette, at the other end of the country in an old building on the edge of a creek. He had the air of nothing, this stream, with its very small net of water goiing from the first days of the summer, and they had built their home near him without be wary.

Georges grew its lavender and his vineyard, he worked a lot.Their two children, a girl and a boy, who became major, began to help them, and they got along very well all four ... All five by counting the Jojotte.
when she arrived to the market, any proud, with his hair well brush, and the red pompoms that Pierrette had manufactured, its two baskets loads of cheeses, d 'eggs, hens and rabbits,The people were saying: 'that is a beautiful beast, kind and hardworking! It is me who would like a mule like that! "

One day in the fall, after the grape harvest, the sky suddenly became black, if black it took turn on the lamps in the houses, and that, outside, when you walked, one no longer knew if it was on the road or in the fields.

Soon large lightning dazzling have crossed the clouds with shrapnel of thunder appalling which never ended. The rain came down, normal, first, and then more and more strong, and then as the Niagara Falls. Everyone was locked up in the shelter home, it was expected that ac stops; but it does not stop!

Then,The small stream of nothing is put to swell and to roll stones and tree branches as a torrent of mountain. He began to fill his bed, this bed so deep that it had dug before the time of men. The water approached from the closed in whirlpool, it has made a small island in the middle of the storm. His vague unkind have pulled everything,Everything that George and Pierrette had won of their sentences, or received from their parents. The next day, the storm was finished.

A great north wind has swept all the clouds, the sky is once again became clear, and one would have thought that nothing had happened, without the flooded fields the broken trees, collapsed houses. As soon as they were able,The people of the village ran see what one became chez Georges and Pierrette.

What a disaster! The collapsed walls, debris of glass, dishwasher, wood, mud Brown who smelled the bottle, and not a noise, except the clip clop of the water who returned slowly to the creek.

Of Georges, Pierrette, children, no trace, not more than that of the poor Jojotte.Therefore, it was felt that the whole world had disappeared in the storm.

during that was prayed for in the village, Jojotte is dragging in the gravel heaps, the wet earth, the slick grasses: she was trying to back up from the ravine toward the fields to save the nightmare or it had thought it die. After hours of efforts, after be degringolee several times up to the bottom of the groove,The valiant beast has finished by lead on the plateau and on the path that she had taken so often to go to the market. Since the cousins were dead and that she had chosen, the mule is remained at Isidore.

gold that is that one day he receives a letter from Montreal, yes, of the Quebec or he really knew anyone. It was the children of Georges and Pierrette who wrote him,They wanted news of the village where they were born. They were therefore not dead! How they had rises in the water that prevailed, I believe that it is with old tires that they had managed to catch. How they have led to Marseille, and how, from here, they found themselves in Quebec I could not te the explain, I can only say that for a very long time,They did not want to hear talk of the country where they had been so afraid, and or they had nothing more. They opened a restaurant, and by working a lot they are become almost rich.

a few years ago, they are income to the village for a holiday. And when the old Jojotte, who still lived, their is emerged in the morning sun,They are raw income at the time of their childhood, at the time or they brought to market, any proud, with its baskets full of eggs of fruit and cheese.

As the mules have good memory, I assure you that it has done to them feast, and that it was a pleasure to see them all so happy.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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