The biochemical changes related to scald including a-farnesene, conjugated
trienols (CTols), antioxidants, antioxidant enzyme activities were monitored among separated blushed
and shaded peels of unbagged fruit as well as the whole peel of bagged fruit. In unbagged fruit, scald
symptom was restricted to shaded peel; while there was no difference in a-farnesene between blushed
and shaded peels, CTols increased significantly in shaded peel along with scald development after
3 months storage. Bagging treatment increased both a-farnesene and CTols significantly and enhanced
scald. Preharvest sunlight exposure significantly increased certain antioxidant contents and antioxidant
enzyme activities in blushed peel at harvest and during storage. These results reveal a direct role of CTols
during development of scald, however, antioxidant systems may play an important role in a-farnesene
oxidation to CTols and scald susceptibility in ‘d’Anjou pears.
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