Il faut admertre que les parties a la procedure ont bien ete liees contractuellement. Plus particulierement, elles ont conclu un contrat de courtage au sens des articles 412 et ss du code des obligations (ci-apres CO).
Must be admertre that the parties in the procedure were well linked contractually. More particularly, they have concluded a brokerage contract within the meaning of articles 412 et seq. of the code of obligations (hereinafter CO).
It admertre need for the parties to the procedure have been well related contract. More particularly, they concluded a brokerage contract under Articles 412 et seq of the Code of Obligations (hereinafter after CO).
it is admertre that the parties to the procedure have been linked by contract. in particular, they signed a brokerage contract within the meaning of articles 412 and et seq. of the code of obligations (hereinafter co.).