Bonjour Fay...Je voulais te dire, chaque jour le monde change... Je rê การแปล - Bonjour Fay...Je voulais te dire, chaque jour le monde change... Je rê อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Bonjour Fay...Je voulais te dire, c

Bonjour Fay...
Je voulais te dire, chaque jour le monde change... Je rêvais, non.. Je rêve d'un monde où tous les Hommes se tiendraient la main, un monde d'unité, un monde où la pensée serait indépendante de l'amitié: simplement car il serait absurde de vouloir la guerre.
Certains pourraient dire que c'est absurde...mais, j'ai un mauvais préssentiment à propos de ce qui va suivre dans la marhe du monde. Peut-être c'est parceque je vis dans un pays où le mot "utopie" est devenue péjoratif, je ne le sais.
Il faut défaire les ennemies de la liberté, défaire les ennemies de la libre pensée... J'ai entrevue, ou prédit (bien que le mot serait mal choisit), la guerre en Ukraine et les espions russes en France (et en Europe)... Je n'ai plus envie... Je n'ai plus envie de voir la suite, est-ce que tu sais ce que c'est que de voir des amis vouloir se tuer à coup d'artillerie? J'ai l'impression qu'on penche vers là, mais l'incconcsient collectif me met dans le panier des "créateurs de théories de complots"... Je n'ai plus d'amis qui partage mes idées libéralistes et qui comprennent le sens des mots et leurs puissances....
Je voulais simplement te dire, si jamais ce que je te dis ici se produit... fais attention...choisis le bon côté...
Tu vois, je n'aime pas ça, dire qu'il y a des côtés, on se retrouve sur un plan bon VS méchants.... Je ne sais pas très bien si c'est OCS VS OTAN ou Alliance Eurasienne VS OTAN... mais on se retrouve dans le plus grand manque d'intelligence.... SImplement parcequ'un fou, demeuré, veut glorifier ce qui n'a pas de gloire et rentrer dans une légende napoléonienne où il n'a pas sa place.
Fay,si cela arrive vraiment, je te dis... range toi du bon côté et éspère que ta famille et ceux en qui tu peux croire fasse de même... ne tombe pas dans le piège du fanatisme, mais prends soin de toi quand même... Fay, avant de te sauver sauve ceux qui peuvent encore l'être, et espère que le sang qui sera verser ici ne sera pas le sang de l'infortune...
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Hello Fay...
I wanted to tell you, every day the world changes... I was dreaming, not... I dream of a world where all the men would be held the hand, a world of unity, a world where the thought would be independent of friendship: simply because it would be absurd to want war.
some might say it's absurd... but, I have a bad feeling about what will follow in the market of the world. Maybe it's because I live in a country where the word "Utopia" has become derogatory, I don't know.
He must defeat the enemies of freedom, defeat the enemies of free thinking... I interview, or predicted (although the word would be poorly chosen), the war in Ukraine and Russian spies in France (and Europe)... I no longer feel like... I no longer want to see the sequel, you know what it is to see friends wanting to kill artillery coup? I have the impression that is leaning towards here, but the collective incconcsient puts me in the "creators of theories of conspiracies" basket... I have more friends who share my liberalistes ideas and who understand the meaning of the words and their powers...
I just wanted to tell you, if ever what I'm telling here occurs... careful... chosen the right side...
you see, I do not like it, said sides, we find ourselves on a good plan nasty VS... I do not know very well if SCO VS NATO or Alliance Eurasian VS NATO... but we find ourselves in the biggest lack of intelligence... Simply because ' crazy, remained, wants to glorify what is not glory and return to a Napoleonic legend where it doesn't have its place.
Fay, if this happens really, I say... range you on the right side and hope that your family and those in which you can believe will do the same... does not fall into the trap of fanaticism, but take care of you anyway... Fay, before you save saves those who still can be, and hope that the blood that is pay here is not the blood of the unfortunate...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hello Fay ...
I wanted to tell you, the world is changing every day ... I dreamed, no .. I dream of a world where all men would be held by hand, a world of unity, a world where thought would be independent of friendship simply because it would be absurd to war.
Some might say that this is absurd ... but I have a bad presentiment about what will follow in the MARHE the world. Maybe it's because I live in a country where the word "utopia" has become pejorative, I know.
must defeat the enemies of freedom, defeat the enemy of free thought ... I interview or predicted (although the word is poorly chosen), the war in Ukraine and Russian spies in France (and Europe) ... I do not feel like ... I never want to see more , do you know what it's like to see friends want to kill them with artillery fire? I feel that leans towards there, but the collective incconcsient puts me in the basket "creators conspiracy theories" ... I have more friends who share my liberalist ideas and understand the meaning of words and their power ....
I just wanted to tell you, if ever I tell you here happens ... take care ... choose the good side ...
You see, I do not like this, saying that there are sides, you're on a good plan VS evil .... I'm not sure if this is SCO VS NATO or NATO Alliance Eurasian VS ... but we find ourselves in the biggest lack of intelligence .... Because one just crazy, left, wants to glorify that which has no glory and enter a Napoleonic legend where it has no place.
Fay, if it does happen I tell you ... you ranks on the right side and hope so that your family and those in whom you can believe do the same ... do not fall into the trap of fanaticism, but take care of yourself anyway ... Fay Before you save saves those who may still be, and hope that the blood that is shed here will not be the blood of misfortune ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hello Fay ...
I wanted to say to thee, each day the world changed ... I dreamed, not.. I dream of a world where all the men would be held the hand, a world of unity, a world where freedom of thought would be independent of the friendship: simply because it would be absurd to want war.
Some might say that this is absurd ... but,I have a bad feeling about this which will follow in the initial capital outlay of the world. Perhaps this is because I live in a country where the word "Utopia" became pejorative, I do know.
It must undo the enemies of freedom, defeat the enemies of the free thought ... I have interview, or predicted (although the word would be poorly chooses),The war in Ukraine and the Russian spies in France (and European Collect and Return ... I no longer want ... I no longer want to see the result, is it that you know what it is like to see friends wanting to kill suddenly artillery? I have the impression that we are leaning toward there, but the collective incconcsient puts me in the basket of "creators of theories of complots" ...I have more friends who share my ideas liberalists just about and who understand the meaning of words and their powers ....
I just wanted to say to thee, if ever what I say to thee here occurs ... am careful ... chosen the good side ...
thou see, I don't like it, say that there are the coast, it is found on a plan good VS bad guys ....I do not know very well if it is OCS VS NATO or Eurasian Alliance VS NATO ... but it is found in the largest lack challenges .... Simply thinest a madman, remains, wants to glorify this which has not of glory and return in a Napoleonic legend where it has no place.
Fay,if this happens really, I say to thee ...Range thee the good side and hope that your family and those in which thou canst believe will do the same ... do not fall into the trap of fanaticism, but take care of yourself when even ... Fay, before te save saves those who may still be, and hope that the blood which will pay here will not be the blood of l'infortune ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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